Tuesday, December 4, 2007


To whom it may concern,

My sincere desire is that through this simple page the things that I myself have been learning and coming to understand may be clearly given to you until we can meet in person. There are many things coming; we are not aware of them all as of yet, but one thing is certain, God is moving all around us. Our brothers and sisters in St. Louis were encouraged by our reception of the truth and continue to pray for us, again, be encouraged. I meet tomorrow with Bill, pray that the relationship God is creating would be firmly founded by His Spirit and that a clear understanding of what the Lord has called us to do would be understood. We are embarking on a path unknown, yet our God has not failed us and neither will He in this time. Our mission is clear- let us go and make disciples in His name, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything He commanded us, for He is with us even now- as His kingdom continues to advance and His authority shown in power over darkness.
I pray for you all, please also pray for me as it seems to me that God tends to bring us to the point where we really have a grip on what's going on and truly believe we can handle things, then asks us to let go. This is the call to obey, and many times it contradicts what our flesh would find convenient. Such has been the case over the last two days. My plans for spring are now in His completely capable hands alone and I have no doubt that what He is doing here will become clear in the next few months, however, uncertainty is present for the next few days and until I am made aware of what the consequences of such quick decisions will be. I have no doubt of His perfect will and plans, so please pray for God's glory to be revealed to all within the knowledge of this situation and that His name would be given more renown in the working of His perfect will. I cannot wait to meet with you all, until that time, remain in Him, even as He is in you and be encouraged in all things, He is a mighty God.
-G. N.

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