Sunday, November 30, 2008

Re: Chiastic Nonsense

I'd thought
It would be better
If I just leave
Because I wanted to stop
watching and
praying and
for your
and praying
and watching
But He won't let me stop
So I won't leave
It wouldn't be better
I now know

Saturday, November 29, 2008

WV: Proof

"Show me."
"Prove it."
"Let me see."
"Oh yeah? Do it."
"Put your money where your mouth is."

Yeah... about that. I mean, regarding your hope and dreams for assurance, right qualifications, evidence, security in your decision, or proof. I have good news...
I have none.

The end... almost.

"I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you," says the LORD Almighty.
"But you ask, 'How are we to return?'

"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
"But you ask, 'How do we rob you?'
"In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty. Malachi 3:6-11

Let it be known: I am not here for exegesis, contextual argument, or any other discussion. I am here to point out a principle. That's all.

Obedience comes BEFORE the blessing.

The Lord says, "Test me in this... ." How is "this?" Look prior to His statement- "how" is in obeying His word. IE- by BRINGING the WHOLE tithe back. Do not suppose that the test is not by any rule we hold against Him. It is not by any proof we hold out for in assurance that He will indeed act. There is no standard by which we ask God to move, as if we can even ask for assurance. That is not love (John 15). That is not faith (Hebrews 11). You have HIS word. Is that no longer good enough? The beginning of the passage is a declaration, "I the LORD do not change." Belief before blessing... that's the truth. Belief cannot be separated from obedience. Get used to it. God is not an American businessman, He's not out to win you with a guarantee, stop treating Him like one. What? You think there should be some sort of demonstration of good faith from Him? Okay...

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

He has made His move again and again and again. Is it not enough for you? I'm not speaking to anyone other than the church here... this is not about the faith of the world. This is about the faith of the Church. Get over yourselves! You who claim belief in "Jehovah Jireh" yet cower when your bank account declines. You who say, "I want God to write my love story," yet reject His leading and hold your stipulations on His anointed. You who say, "My life is in You, Lord," but fight to maintain control of your family and social life. You who declare the eternal riches found in godliness while investing in gold. Yes... the Church. Can you point out one place where the blessing was given before obedience was shown? Hebrews 11 makes no such claim, these faithful people had NOTHING to go on except the word of the LORD (BTW- if you want to know if there's any power behind His word, see Genesis 1 or any Gospel ). Scripture says they even died before they saw the promise fulfilled. Are we so special to be given any different opportunity? I think not.

It's time to get over yourselves and go. Stop looking for proof and evidence that will simply put your faith back in yourself. Stop asking for assurance when He's given His word. Stop asking for the blessing before you're willing to move.

I haven't had a good rant in awhile... but in all honesty, this one's been a long time in coming. The American church is not a negotiator between any commercial parties. God is not diplomatic... He's not even democratic (Yes, that means that even if the whole body were to decide they wanted proof before moving, He would not be obliged to give it). His reputation is firmly established. His word is altogether true. He has never failed. Stop acting like that's a possibility and GO.

There's still no proof. There's still no security in your initial move. There's no assurance that your bank account will remain stable or that you'll even get out alive. None of that has changed. Isn't that good news?

The end.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26, 2008: My Apologies

Dear You,

It's so hard to watch you struggle. I know you see the way things are going, but why you resist still and hold back in this fear I do not know. Love will cast out fear... when will you trust me on this? Honestly, the time has come for me to be silent, you watch... I wait. He is moving and the time to go is near, will you come along? I see resistance in your eyes, I know it's not the way you'd prefer. In all honesty, it's not the way I'd prefer either. It'd be so much easier to simply sit down somewhere and share with you everything He's told me... I'm certain you'd feel confident in this move afterward, but such would not be to the benefit of your faith. We are all called to obey, we are all given that chance to step out in total abandonment of what we hoped for and simply know He will work it all for His glory. I do not know when, but I see you struggle and don't think for a moment it's not giving my heart an indescribable ache. It does. There is a blessing waiting for you in this freedom that you have never known or expected, but it cannot be spoken of or mapped out before your move. I know it's hard... it has been for all of us. I know it's scary... this is only the beginning. I know it's unnerving and entirely too inconvenient... whose priorities do you live for, anyway?

It is one thing to take the chains off, and quite another to leave the prison. You've come so far, you're at the doorway as we speak. Why not simply RUN through? You cannot lead others to a freedom you have not embraced. He will not let me come in for you and my mouth has been closed from calling your name. Listen for His word.... there will be no other voice worth hearing and no other word as powerful. Listen for His word and then obey. I've seen you close your eyes... did that make the voice go away? I've seen you cover your ears... did that ease His whisper in your heart? I've seen you run to the safer place... did that escape the tremble in your spirit? I know it did not, for I have been in all those places as well. I will continue praying for you, I simply can't stop. The time is getting shorter... but that has never been untrue. I suppose you can drag it out till the last second, but I know the pain that will be and I implore you, don't take it that far. Don't test His patience to that extreme... simply trust the word and direction you know you don't want to go but must because it is His and let's go. In all of this, I'm either insane or right on. Be assured this word and way is not my own; I'd much rather have things some other way as well, but as they are of His plans I cannot contradict/oppose them. At this time, you are watching... I am waiting... all I can say to you is, "Do not be afraid. He is good." I cannot pray for your strength to continue resisting, indeed I must pray you would be found weak before His call. I pray you would hear clearly and distinctly, by name and even face to face. I cannot pray for anything else than His will be done. Will you taste freedom yet? I believe it, the question is how long will you hold on to something destined to fall? It's entirely up to you. Either way, I love you and will wait either for your complete retreat or your approach. It is all I can do at this point. Listen for Him.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Re: Holiness

There is no holy thing. There are no holy people. There is no holy action. There is no holy word. There is no holy faith. There is no holy hope. There is no holy tradition. There is no holy model. There is no holy order. There is no holy calling. There is no holy statement. There is no holy music. There is no holy love. There is no holy movement. There is no holy history. There is no holy future.


Holiness is not a self supporting concept. It does not sustain itself and cannot originate itself within something, it is granted and imparted. There is only a holy God, and all things may participate in HIS holiness by His invitation only. Holiness by definition must rely on a relationship to the nature of holiness, to a holy One, a standard which nothing is more holy, but is itself the bestower of holiness. If there is a holy word, it is holy only in its relation to the holy God. If there are holy people, they are so only as they are found in the holy God. If there are holy actions, they are so only by being taken through Him. There is no holiness outside of Him, and there is nothing unholy within Him.

We have been given that invitation to take part in His holiness. If this is true, no longer should we regard ourselves, as those found in Him, as things unholy in identity- if we are in Him, we are therefore holy by His holiness. Rather, we ought strive to act and speak through Him and thereby act and speak in holiness, not as if our nature or intention brought about the holiness of that action or word, but as it is simply in being acted or spoken from and by Him. Faith is holy only as it is put in Him who is holy, there is no hope that is holy for the sake of simply being committed or well intended, but there is a hope that is holy because it is hoping in the One who is holy. There can be nothing holy outside of Him who is holiness. There is no self originated holiness and no holiness that can be attained through works or straining in goodness, but only holiness as far as it is related to the holy One. In this, there is no holy people, no holy action, no holy word, no holy tradition, no holy calling, no holy love, no holy anything without a relationship to the very identity of holiness, that is our Lord. If we are to chase holiness, it can only be in the sense that we pursue Christ and hope to be found in Him. To chase holiness without accepting Christ is self consumed and impossible at best while at worst simply devilish. If we are a holy people, it is only because we serve a holy God and by His grace He has covered us in His holiness. Let us NEVER forget that.

I get the sense more and more lately that some things are protected without due as "holy" things. Our concept and tradition of church, for example... a personal "calling," to ministry for another example. This or that style or form of music and worship, or perhaps the teaching from one student of the Word instead of another. In reality these things are not holy unless they are directly related to the author and identity of holiness! If GOD has not established it as so, can we dare demand He declare what our hands have formed, "holy?" If we are doing things in His name, yet without His blessing, I think we're kidding ourselves in expecting that. Just because we put His name on it does not mean He has. Holiness is of the Lord, consecration is to the Lord, sanctification is by the Lord, and none of it is of us. We submit, we follow, we comply, we move, we act, we speak, we hope, we believe- but all these things only as long as they are in Him. Perhaps we out to look at what we defend in the name of holiness and ask how related they are to the author of holiness? Perhaps we ought look at what we're really protecting, is it our preferences... our dreams... our words... our convenience... our stability... our good... or is it His Word and His kingdom? If it is the former, beware the nature of your opposition, you may find yourself fighting against He who seeks purity and holiness for all as they are consumed by His love and found in Him. If it is the latter, why spend your time defending what is His? His nature and holiness declare He will indeed protect what is His, it is not our obligation nor calling to defend Him. It is our obligation and calling to obey and pursue the holy One and declare the glory of His life in us.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Re: Jesus Questions

1) Why did Jesus not ask His disciples to contribute to a building fund?
2) Why didn’t Jesus ask His disciples to go into the towns and gather bring people back to Him so He could minister to them?
3) Why didn’t Jesus have “a place to lay His head?”
4) Why didn’t Jesus let Peter kill the guard?
5) Why didn’t Jesus attract people by appealing to their flesh?
6) Why didn’t Jesus allow options?
7) Why didn’t Jesus simply make laws that demanded people follow Him?
8) Why didn’t Jesus set up programs for the crowds to better understand what He was trying to say?
9) Why didn’t Jesus ask for money?
10) Why did Jesus tell the disciples to give the crowds something to eat?
11) Why did Jesus send the man who wanted to follow away (Luke 8)?
Why did Jesus have to die?
12) Why did Jesus curse the tree (Mark 11)?
13) Why did Jesus demand everything?
14) Why did Jesus speak more of freedom than salvation?
15) Why did Jesus seemingly make it so hard to follow Him?
16) Why did Jesus let Lazarus die?
17) Why did Jesus tell the blind man not to return to his town (Mark 2)?
18) Why did Jesus submit to the political authorities of His day, but not the spiritual ones?
19) Why did Jesus tell the rich man to give everything he had to the poor instead of the temple?
20) Why did Jesus say, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these…?”
21) Did Jesus ever define truth?
22) Did Jesus ever declare a standard for those who would be His disciples to live by?
23) Did Jesus ever define His ministry?
24) Did Jesus ever define His mission?
25) Did Jesus ever contradict scripture?
26) Did Jesus ever trick anyone?
27) Did Jesus ever lie?
28) Did Jesus ever make a distinction between disciples and followers?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Re: Heroes

L'Adonai (To the Lord),
Is this the, "Once more" You've been waiting for?
Is this the top before the drop of our final tour?
Can we see the bottom from where we've been?
Can we see the sky's not that far from the floor?

"Once more," until we know You're truly there.
"Once more," before we're breathing Your air.
"Once more," with the acts and heroics of men.
"Once more," to reveal just HOW You really care.

So much time You've given to make up our mind.
How long before we realize we're still so blind?
That Old Man walks in every door we leave open.
We no longer look for the life of a peculiar kind.

L'Dodo (To His Beloved),
When all has shaken down, nothing keeps its place,
No hero holds their own, and no one can save face-
Perhaps that time will present a cleaner lens to see,
The change we all desire, comes only through His grace.

Perhaps you might have figured out He is not over you.
The paid price has never changed- He cannot be through.
Will you once more turn to men and let His anger burn?
Or will you finally turn to Him and heroes not pursue?

Are you ready to be let down again- reaping what you sow?
The curiosity of infatuation is not what true lovers know.
Agendas and the hope of "us" will less and less be true.
You'll wake up in the empty bed- where did your hero go?

Written and waiting in silence is the truth of His own Word.
This Word of silence He will soon turn into a righteous sword.
Heroes take their stand, but will never hold their ground.
"One to fall and two will follow," let all know, "He is the Lord."

"The hill is steep," you say, "We will surely reach new height!"
"Work with us harder, better, longer- we will need your might!"
Heroes work you in the wrong direction, how can you not see?
Perhaps because in all his wisdom- he's forgotten to use a light?

Once more with the heroes- once more with their charades.
Once more for the mighty men- once more for their parades.
Once more before it all falls down and everything is gone.
"Once more and then the end," no man's splendors arrayed.

Where are they who in their heart place Him upon the throne?
Where is the people those life He gave to make His very own?
Where are those with severed ties and openly broken lives?
Where are those who surely proclaim, "He is the Lord ALONE?"