Saturday, June 7, 2008

Must He "Cut in?"

Bonhoeffer: Human love has little regard for the truth. It makes the truth relative, since nothing, not even the truth, must come between it and the beloved person.

If this is true, the identity of Christ as THE TRUTH becomes much more powerful AND important; for when human love chooses the very identity of truth as its beloved, nothing should have the remote possibility of cutting in. When Jesus is the Beloved, the truth does not need to be relative, nor can it come between, it affirms and solidifies the relationship and forges a total bond of love. However, the converse is true, for if the beloved is not Jesus, then His identity as the TRUTH becomes relative and pushed aside. This is the definition of idolatry and He is by nature a jealous God. His identity as the truth is what convicts us of these things and presents us with the fact that we have chosen another as our beloved... and I can testify to this truth... it is subtle and yet understood, unless Jesus is the One Beloved that we are clinging to and He as the Truth pulls us closer to Him, we will find that we relativize His identity and strip Him of His due... our lives. Let us press on with nothing between us and our God.

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