Thursday, January 3, 2008


I consider myself fairly gentle, that is, as far as males go. I don’t like violence. I hate ultimate fighting. I don’t hunt- all for simply personal reasons. These are all physical things, mere dispositional characteristics reflecting my personal life choices and motivations. Physically, I believe it can be said that I am a gentle person, that is, “non violent.” But what of the spiritual? Am I complacent with my enemy? Less complacent… am I gentle? To put it bluntly- am I “non violent?”

What can be considered spiritual violence anyway? Well, we have all experienced the onslaught of a dark force’s deterrence… we have undergone the temptations of differing demons and stood against the enemy more than once… this is the enemy’s violence against us. But do we remain on defense all the time? Am I constantly hoping to simply stay my ground or hold my position as if that is all there is? Am I always on defense? Should I be? I don’t think so. I believe that we remain spiritually non-violent too often. We have weapons of incredible strength and power at our grasp- do we use them? Are we violent towards our enemy? To live by the spirit is to live as a weapon in God’s hands. Living according to His guidance ought to bring us into combat with the enemy. Moreover and yet less famous is the power of prayer. How violent am I in my prayers? So often I ask for protection or defense in this circumstance or that, when is God’s power and might and authority over all things proclaimed so as to claim victory over these circumstances? WE ARE AT WAR. Am I non violent?

When I look at Jesus earthly actions, I see constant offense against the enemy. Relentless attack on one stronghold or another in all people’s lives is prevalent. I see God moving on earth claiming territory as a King, displaying victory and power over His enemy in every way possible. In Revelation chapter One His appearance is even more mighty and majestic- His power unrestrained and His glory limitless, the King and Lion of Judah. Our King and Commander moves with power and authority over all heaven and earth, He places it behind His servants that what they ask for will be done. What am I asking for? Should I come against this enemy that is not flesh and blood with a defensive stance of gentleness or should I take my King at His word to become violent against this foe in His name? If so, His Spirit must be my only guide and direction and communication with Him cannot be considered anything less than crucial!

To discern the ways of the Spirit through disciplines and Scripture must be my primary active pursuit while addressing all areas of life in prayer can be nothing less than constant. This is spiritual violence, taking Christ at His word and realizing that we are not meant to be defensive towards an enemy that cannot compare to our King and living by Christ’s authority through His Spirit daily against the enemy. To live according to the Spirit is to become a weapon against this enemy- yes, weapons that are used most often are banged and chipped, scarred and mangled, remember- this is war, did Jesus undergo anything less? Also, prayer is naturally violent. I know it seems strange, get used to it- this is war.


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