Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ignorance is bliss?

I am not sure about you, but times are getting scary. Things keep rocking my world and calling me closer and closer to the identity of Jesus Christ, which makes living on earth so much more dangerous. Sometimes I don’t know what to do. Sometimes I see what He is teaching me and I know why ignorance is bliss- no responsibility. Jesus revealed truth and truth always calls to decision. I don’t know why there has to be so many decisions when I think in my flesh, but once I see the Spiritual side and realize that this is war- can the King accept anything other than commitment with the risk of death?

He keeps calling me closer and closer and in all honesty, things are scarier and scarier the further into His world I am immersed… the view from eternity blows my finite mind into pieces of fragmented understanding and truly dumb knowledge- yet I am closer to Him than ever before and see His work in new ways than ever before. Yes, this is scary. Yes, there is risk. Yes, I could die. Did He not have the same feelings? Was His mission any less scary than the one He has left to us? Was it any less risky? Was there any less price to pay than His life? No.

In light of this- what cost is there to count? Can I honestly get to eternity and believe that I can look at my King with the expression, “I know you gave your life for me, but I just couldn’t justify doing the same for you.” That is the horrid revelation that knowledge and truth brings- responsibility. I see clearly the Biblical command and constant call to make disciples that make disciples that multiply disciples that multiply “churches” that multiply movements wherever they are direct by God to exist- I cannot get over this command. I cannot justify any other life or call. If His will for our life is intimacy with Him as response to His unfailing and unbelievable love for me than there is no cost too great to pay nor is there any possible thing to fear other than His disapproval.

Would He disapprove me if I did not recognize His truth and calling and thus in ignorance not act on it- no. This is clear from John 15, but as soon as He has revealed His expectation and His price/way/standard;, I am without excuse. So what now? What on earth can I do but exactly what He has commanded I do? In that fact, what on earth can stop me from accomplishing what He has put before me and promised to bless because it is solely for His glory and the advancement of His Kingdom? This is the promise of Romans 8:28-39, that it is with His authority that we make disciples that will make disciple, that go to all nations to proclaim His glory, that teach all those disciples to obey everything He has commanded, and that in all this- He is ever present. Now I can connect Exodus 33:12-17. HIS PRESENCE is promised both to the Israelites as they followed His promises and it once again HIS PRESENCE that is promised to those following His commands. In light of this, there is no reason to be afraid. 1 Peter 3:14 extends His faithfulness and why we are to believe so strongly.

He is the Lord, and it is His glory that is being proclaimed and it is His Bride that is being formed- in that, should we think He isn’t behind this? It seems natural to me to believe that He is more concerned with His glory than we are and that He is more eager to see His bride than we are to see Him. I must not forget that this has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. I simply seek to take my place as His tool and somehow to share His life in eternity. How can I fear anything other than not following Him. Ignorance is bliss, but His presence and intimacy is JOY.


Unknown said...

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48
When God starts asking more of us, we should realize how much he has given us. Then think about how God didn't just decide to use anybody; he decided to use you! The God who spoke the universe into existence wants to use you! What an honor! Its an honor that can only be responded to in complete obedience.

G.N. said...

Exactly, however with that knowledge and humble recognition a weight is present. To know that my obedience now affects others. My delight is to bring people to the presence of God, but to know that once we come near to light and we see the darkness in ourselves, it is to willingly take people into discomfort. Yet in this, I know that I myself do not cause discomfort, it is Christ's truth working in their lives. Doesn't make it easy, and obedience is the only response, but it does make living for Heaven that much more prevalent and immediate.