Thursday, October 2, 2008

Re: Belief

To the Redeemed,

I find that truth is indeed powerful and amazing and I’m finally beginning to believe God when He says things. The problem that He has revealed to me though, is this- I have to believe everything He says, not just what I agree with already. Isn’t that difficult?

I feel like I can believe God very readily when He claims a truth about Himself. It’s easy, natural even, to read scripture and simply say, “Absolutely God! YOU ARE GOOD!” or, “DEFINITELY GOD! YOU ARE JUST! I LOVE YOU!” I believe Him when He claims truth about Him.

The issue is that I don’t believe Him when He claims truth about me. When He tells me what is true of me. As sinner, I argued that I was clean. Now as one redeemed, I argue that I am unclean! How confounded are the ways of the human mind and how convincing the lies of the Devil! WE MUST BELIEVE GOD!

Do not read this with the wrong perspective- there has been a redemptive work in my life that has really changed what is true of me. The conviction of God is a revelation of truth, but the empowering of God is just as much the same revelation. Conviction brings repentance which brings redemption that demands consecration which paves the way for empowerment- all are based on the same Truth of Jesus.

Scripture tells us of our own natures everywhere! Of the nature we have prior to being renewed by His blood and life and of the nature we have after that reality is new as well. Do we let ourselves be defined by who we USED to be? Disagreeing with God in the ideas and claims that He has made regarding what we are like now? Obviously repentance, redemption, and consecration are necessary to come from the truth that tears down what does not belong to the truth that builds up what does. But how often have we let our growth or walk stop after who we used to be has been put to death? There is a resurrection that must take place! That resurrection is a new person, the life of Christ in us and it brings with it new truth claims for God to make about us! He says to His people that we have authority, that there is a baptism of His Holy Spirit to be encountered, and that we are light, salt, aliens, strangers, and warriors. Do I believe Him when He makes truth claims about me, or just about Him? Do I know myself better than He does? I think not.

This has been hitting me pretty hard and I want to know- how are we living? We believe what God says about Himself… but there is no One who knows us better than He does. He knows what He’s talking about when He makes claims about us. I have to believe those too… and the hardest part is that fact that belief requires action. So not only must I believe what He has told me about Himself and about me, but I must live that truth.

Does this makes any sense to anyone else?

Romans 6-8
1 John 5
Galatians 3-5


ChadPeterson said...

I think part of it is that we hear so much in the church how we're still sinners and told that we will struggle with sin all of our life, that for us to claim to be free and have the ability not to sin almost seems...sacriligious?

It's like we want to use our flesh as a crutch. I think that if we accept the Truth about what He says about us, and the Truth that comes from being consecrated, then we lose the crutch that we've relied on for so long.

But you're right. We eagerly accept Scripture that points out how evil man is, and how our works are but dirty rags to God, but somehow shun what God says about us after becoming Disciples of Christ. It's weird.

G.N. said...

Chad, it's become more than sacreligious, it's almost blasphemy! I've mentioned the idea of freedom from and authority over sin in a few classes and amongst a group of ministry students around this area and instantly flags and spears come up! I think you nailed it: "It's like we want to use our flesh as a crutch." EXACTLY!

Does scripture teach us such? I can't find it anywhere!

There's a lot in this that I've been working out the last few days... how so much of it has to do with the Lord's will and intention, how He desires to bring us to a place where He may boast about us, because it means He is boasting about Himself! To have our nature replaced with His declares His glory in the way that we pray for and say we desire, but do we believe that is what HE WANTS as well?

What else does the declaration of Matthew 5:16 mean if not this?

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

1. The Light is something that is not us- it is Jesus.
2. To accept the notion that we must let it shine means that we can stop it from shining.
3. The purpose of letting Jesus' work in our lives be known (shine) is to bring God glory!
4. The problem is that bright things (and VERY salty things) are usually offensive/and or easily noticed; both our fearful nature and the lies of the enemy will convince us that the light doesn't need to be so bright or that it will never really be bright at all!
5. The flesh is the thing that contains the light, I think it is the "bowl" that we use to hide it.

What do you think?