Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thoughts Regarding Glory

The glory of God cannot be added to or taken away from. The light is constant, burning all that is not holy, neither corruptible nor incomplete. It can either be recognized or ignored (though even ignorance is a recognition), though only ignored for a time and then it cannot be escaped; it is the same as ever- for our Lord is perfect from age to age. We cannot give Him glory or take glory from Him- it is our duty and purpose to declare it!

So know comes the question if God’s glory can be denied? NO- not by any creature, for even in the creature’s existence is there found the mystery of origin, and within mystery there is awe for the sake of the unknown. Can who is known declare the unknown/unknowable invalid? OF COURSE NOT! In the recognition of the unknown is found the wonder at depth and the fear of the what is not understood- in mysterious awe and curious fear is then the glory recognized. However, it has still ALWAYS been there, neither being taken away from nor added to, simply being only worshipped by those in hope of glory themselves or feared by the those seeking the glory of a different weight. Feared because the glory of God consumes all that is not of Him. Still, that fear declares HIS GLORY.

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