Friday, July 25, 2008

July 20: I still hope

Dear you,

Sometimes I wonder where you are. I know you should be here by now, but when I look around, you’re not. Perhaps my hopes and expectations are unreasonable, but I don’t think so- Dad said you’d be back. You’ve found what it is you believed you were looking for, but I don’t believe that’s all there is to it. I know you long for more. He’s been calling you your whole life; I don’t know how you’ve managed to ignore Him. He just tried to call again a bit ago- I was here watching- you didn’t answer. What is it you’re waiting for? For what are you holding out? That is honestly the most perplexing thing about all this- what holds you back? I know you’re in bondage, yet you can still move or at least answer the call… can’t you? Maybe I’ve forgotten what’s it’s like over there… maybe I’ve forgotten who I used to be… I don’t think so. I think I’ve simply healed of that past, of those times with you in that place. I don’t care about that life anymore; freedom is far too precious to give up for one moment. Don’t you get homesick at all? I know that if you came back for just a moment you’d never leave- why don’t you? “The cost is too great,” you say, “I have to leave my friends and my life,” yeah, you know that will never change. I’m not sorry about it, either, even that price is a steal compared to what it cost Dad to bring us back! Did Lucky convince you that isn’t worth it? That no true love would ever demand so much? HE’S LYING.

Sometimes I wonder if you’re coming home at all. I know my hope is not unfounded; He’ll never stop calling so I know it’s on your end that the breakage has occurred. What keeps you back? Don’t be afraid, really, there’s nothing to fear at all. That fear is an enemy keeping you where you do not belong. The people you find your identity in- they’re fooling you. The lover you find your happiness in- he’s tricking you too. You know I heard him call you filthy things and lie about you; telling all his friends what he does to you and how you’re wrapped around his finger. Why don’t you believe me when I say he’s not at all what he seems? Sometimes I wonder how long it will be before it’s too late. He’s such a liar and I can’t stand to hear him say those things about you! I know we’ve got some time left, yet even that is fading so quickly. I heard you had some fun the other day- he took you out and showed you off to the others. Does that make it worth it? That he prized you for a day before reminding you of your worth in his eyes? You’re not even married to him- what keeps you there?

Dad keeps teaching me new things, showing me bigger pictures, and helping me understand what He intended- that that plan isn’t over and hasn’t failed; it’s not done and there is hope. He hasn’t given up; neither will I. I know you’ll be here eventually, that time seems so far away. There are gifts sitting in the room you left, every day a new treasure is added to the pile; it’ll take a long time for you to get through them all, but we’ll have time then. Right now I just miss you… again… a lot. Right now I’m getting ready to come and get you. I’m not fully prepared yet, but it’s the mission I must pursue. I’m getting weapons and others; we’re coming. I wonder where you are and how long it will be before you come home. You know where to find me because you know where I go to look for you. I’ll not stop believing you will be free someday. I’ll not stop believing you will be home someday.


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