Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Letters From War

To my generation:

Dear you,

We have cowered in fear of the darkness around us for too long. We have misunderstood our role and our calling for too long. We have seen the enemy work in our lives and the lives of those we love all around us. Some of us are captive, others are free, some of us are wandering, others are lost, some of us are frightened, others are simply misplaced, a few of us are in the war, but we are few and calling you out. It is time to rally and fight. It is not our time to sit and pretend the Sabbath has arrived; it has not. It is not time to make believe everything is okay or escape into some fantasy world where you’re not who you truly are. The draft is inescapable. You have been born, you exist, and therefore you are in this war. The question is- are you active or passive. Passivity is useless, it simply means that you’re lying down on the battlefield and getting the life beat out of you, wondering where it’s coming from and why the enemy is picking on you (don’t be surprised, the intentionally lame are some of his favorite targets!), to those active I must ask, “For whom do you fight?” To fight for yourself is useless; you have not even been set free! To fight for the earth is meaningless; it is cursed and destined to be replaced. To fight for the church is to miss the point; her Rescuer is on His way and you will not take His place. To fight for the King is your place- to take your stand advancing (not defending) His kingdom is your birth-purpose. Own it and come. There is nothing else to live for; nothing else to die for.


To the wandering of my generation:

Dear you,

We are not fighting for ourselves, neither for our world; we are purposed to fight for our Redeemer King and Savior. There is no one else worth the calling or the price, He has rescued us from the slavery we once lived in and has done it so that we may remain free from it always. The calling is clear- your life, right now. The most painful idea and scariest time is the cost of joining- death to self, there is no other way. Recently I have seen the enemy and his tactics, they are fierce and they are divisive- still we must go, have no fear. We have no other choice. Our God has blessed us with spiritual weapons and understanding so that we do not enter this war blind and powerless. However, if you choose to fight with the weapons the world has given you- you will fall and fail. This is not a joke and it is not a scare, this war is raging around us and the best thing you can do is discover your purpose within it. You are being called to freedom so you can go and set others free. Free from pain, free from sin, free from worry and bondage that keeps them from entering this war and seeing the glory of their Maker. Bring them with you, train them in the Spirit; let’s go.


To the hiding of my generation:

Dear you,

Come out of your caves of self-introspection and pointless pursuit of meaningless things. Come out of the places you hide in hoping the oppressor will not find you. Come out of the low areas. Come off of the mountain. You cannot escape; the war will come upon you soon. There is no way to hide. Come out and fight; come out and take your stand. Give up the obsessions you have been pleased to spend your time pursuing- take up your armor and your weapons. Come to the valley and take your place. The place you reside is not your home, it is where you have decided to escape, but beware- the enemy is coming for you soon, and where you are is not under the Lord’s protection. Withdrawing from the battle does not equal amnesty- it equals desertion.
Come out and come on.


To the threshed of my generation:

Dear you,

I know that the Lord has produced fruit in your life, however, as long as you lie in the barn and attempt to scatter seed- you are not in the battle and your seed benefits no one. Come to the field. Come to the place where the ground has been tilled and we are ready for your work. You have been blessed to be taken in to the shelter, but your time there has expired and it is now time for you to join the fight. The rain is on the way, but we have no seed! You have been beaten and prepared- for what you did not know- now you must come and see for yourself what was happening around your place of protection. It is a lie that your place is in the barn with the other wheat- that time has not yet come. The truth is that your place is out here in the battle, using what training you have received to set other captives free indeed. Come and be put to use, you have died to yourself already- you simply haven’t left the threshing floor. It’s time to see the outside. Come.


To the captives of my generation:

Dear you,

I still love and miss you and I’ve decided something… I don’t care if you don’t like it or what it means ultimately, I just know that I must do this.

I’m coming to get you. I’m coming and I’m bringing the army.

I’m tired of hearing of the beatings. I’m tired of hearing of the abuse and the pain in your life and how you think it’s all there is. That’s a lie. It’s false, there’s so much more. This is war now; I know what it means and I am ready. I’m bringing everyone you know, we’re coming to get you and we won’t stop till you either tell us to back off or you’re safe and free. Lucky takes captives to make them his own; they’re useless in this war as long as you’ve locked away in sand castles. You are the treasure we are out to pay everything for. You are the pearl we will take back from the earth. I can’t wait any longer for you to respond to my letters (you probably can’t anyway), it’s simply time to come get you. Your strong Deliverer is coming; we ride with Him too. Help is on the way.


To the enemy of generations:

Dear you,

Your tactics are futile and your lies pathetic. You desire the glory you once had but you cannot know it ever again. You removed yourself from the glory of heaven long ago, no matter how you desire it back- it cannot be done. Your ways are known, therefore defensible and discernable. We come knowing your plans and your territory’s- they will be His soon enough. Look to the North, the South, the East, and the West- your demise is coming soon. This generation is one of impatience for your destruction. Though you have enslaved it in many areas, you will not hold your ground when this army comes. You hold many of those whom we love in your prisons- we will have them among us before you are aware they are gone. You hold many of those whom we love in high places- your authority will be removed and your destiny revealed once again. You will be chained and thrown into that dreadful place- the one made just for you. The free will set others free by the authority of the Name above all names- Jesus Christ. We come covered in His blood and reflecting His light. We come covered in His grace and filled with His truth. We come prepared to die; indeed dead already; there is no hope for you. We come with a battle cry of “Holy, Holy, Holy!” and firmly established on the Rock of ages! We come protected by a Shield you cannot see, one you cannot move or break. Shake as you know your fate! Your lies are old and undone. Your roar muffled in the ears of the holy. You have been defeated already- it is time for the routing. Do you remember the day of Calvary? It is our day of redemption- your day of destruction. Long live the King!

Your enemy,
The Redeemed

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