Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7- You must come out soon!

Dear you,

That shirt does not become you. Who told you that it did? They lied. Don’t you see it’s covered in stains and all dirty? I know you think it’s the newest trend- can’t you see you’re filthy? What happened? There is something so much better! Honestly, I’ve been trying to tell you, why don’t you believe me? You can let go of him. You can leave and never return, not for any reason. You can walk away.

I know he has you convinced that he’ll have a hold on you forever- but can’t you see that that’s not possible? He holds you with chains and accusations, both of which Jesus can destroy once and for all… He won’t just hold the chains high so you can walk around with semi-freedoml he destroyed them! Lucky won’t own you anymore! Why do you still believe him as if he can tell the truth anyway? He can’t. It’s against his nature and the very way he works. He can’t tell the truth- it’s impossible. So why are you still listening to what he has to say?

That shirt is ugly, those chains have been destroyed and yet you believe they’re still there. Why? Don’t you see that nothing can hold what is not there? Jesus died and rose again- follow Him into that death and be raised up free from the curses of the enemy! Don’t you see that what does not exist cannot touch you unless you believe it can, and even then what touches you is not reality, but a mirage… it is so hard to watch you live this way. It’s so hard to see you live in a lie. It’s so hard to watch you run away from shadows and cling to mirages… how have you become so convinced if not because you’ve shut the light out? When you’ve closed all the windows- shadows are everywhere. Let the light in and the truth will destroy the shadows, you will see what really is there and what is not. I promise you- but you must step into the light.

I promised you that we’re coming, but honestly, we can’t come any further than the door you’ve locked us out by. We’ll scream forever and ever through this door if you’ll let us. We’ll pound and bang and yell and plead for you to come out- but you must open the door. Please, please, please do. Don’t wait any longer, don’t let him hurt you anymore. Don’t be afraid anymore. Don’t live like this anymore. You don’t have to. I know you’re afraid that if you come out then you’ll be killed for what you’ve done and how you’ve lived- that’s a lie too! We love you and Jesus already died in your place; you have no reason to fear. He loves that much- but even He can’t come in after you, He already did that once and He sabotaged those chains you’re holding on to so that they’d break as soon as you tell them to in His name. He’s right here with us calling you out. He screams louder than we do most times. He’s ready to embrace you, but you must come out. You must let the truth set you free. You must let HIM set you free.

I have no choice but to share this with you. I don't want to scare you, I just want you to know how dire this is getting. Jesus said that He came to destroy the works of his enemy, the devil. The house you live in is a work of the devil. It is a trap and prison keeping you in bondage by lies and deceit. He built it around your life and you let him. We all did, we all had prisons to escape. The point is that You must get out of there! Jesus' glory is about to set it on fire and you need to come out NOW, don't waste any time- don't let lucky convince you it won't happen. I see the torches on their way. Don't let lucky lie to you and tell you it won't burn- it's made of wood and thorns for crying out loud! It'll all burn down and I can't bear the thought of you being trapped inside by your own will! COME OUT PLEASE!



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