Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I recently had several conversations with friends regarding passions. We like to think of our passions as things that God has blessed us with a desire to pursue, that I agree with. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish the difference between the passions of our flesh and the passions of HIS heart- but that is not the object of this note. I think the real question about passions is regarding the action we take in pursuit. It seems to me that the word, “passion” has become very split in its meanings. The world describes passion as one thing, God as another. I think a base understanding comes down to the notion of desire and what it is that we feel we cannot live without. That thing that spurs us or calls us forward. These we regard as passions. I believe the distinction is here- a worldy passion (verb) often times, at least in my life, is recognized in one’s recklessness in the pursuit of the desired- those possessing a passion of the world do anything to obtain the object of their affectation and desire. Recklessness often leads to rebellion or hastiness, impatience even- no duh, haha. This is not of God! A passion of God is recognized, at least in scripture, in one’s patient endurance on allowing God’s timing to bring about the desired (as long as the desire is of Him, if it is not then you’ll find yourself in rebellion anyway!)- that passion is marked with an understanding that suffering will ensue if this thing is to be pursued. Jesus illustrated that passion many times through His life. The time that comes to mind is as He said, “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem... how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings…(Luke 13:34)” Suffering produces patience. Patience is rooted in a word meaning, “longsuffering” the opposite of the worldly passion and a definition of love (1 Corinthians 13). Indeed, a passionate love is one that suffers for the desired.

On a personal note... I have a few desires in my life. The one I hope to be the most obvious is the desire for the presence of my Lord- seeing His fullness and glory! The ones He has placed on my heart is the desire to see my generation raised up in freedom and in power to storm the gates of hell and advance the Kingdom of God with force while setting other captives free in Truth, that they may make disciples that make disciples that make disciples, etc. Another is to remain unmentioned, yet I know it is of Him. Indeed as I look at these desires and how they begun passions in my life- I know I have not begun to suffer enough to rejoice with the blessing of their arrival. On one hand the revelation of this truth frustrates me at being so impatient so often, on the other hand it drives me forward to chase my Lord even more! Lord God, teach me suffering! Teach me patience and endurance and a love that demands I wait and suffer more for the fulfillment of what You have placed on my heart to seek. My generation calls out and wanders endlessly… they roam in hopelessness and curiosity… begging for redemption and to see the fullness of Your glory. Have Your way in my life and teach me to love with a suffering passion as You suffered to see us, Your people, brought into Your presence as well.


Unknown said...

Hey Greg.
It reads like you've already discussed this topic quite a bit with your friends, but I'll add a few cents. I agree with you're overall message. With passions, I think that "sacrifice" is a little better word to use than "suffering". Now, when we sacrifice there will be suffering, so the concept is there. But, our passions can be defined as the things we are willing to sacrifice for. This applies to every aspect of our lives. Example: I have a passion for working out (i.e. I need to get in shape!). That is proved by my getting up in the morning and working out. I sacrifice sleep to fill my passion. Also related, I could say that I have a passion for working out, but I really don't until I start making sacrifices to fulfill that passion - as you already pointed out.
We tend to think of passion as an emotional term, but I think its really a matter of choice. We all choose to do things we enjoy, or that we are good at. By choosing to do those things we sacrifice time, money, opportunities for other activities, the list goes on. God makes us all good at different things. We all enjoy different things. As Christians, we need to take those skills and interests and use them to further Christ's Kingdom.
So the question then becomes "what are the passions that drive us, and how do we use them for God?" The desires that you list here should be desired by every mature believer - which is good. My question to you is this: what specific things are you going to do to fulfill those desires? What things will you sacrifice in life for those desires? (these questions are totally rhetorical in nature and are in no way accusatory or offensive) I think its obvious that you have a passion for writing - you've sacrificed a lot of time, and probably sleep, to post the things you have. Are you going to develop that (that's where the patience you mention comes in)? You enjoy theology - will you pursue that in research or study? And how will you use those things, or others, to further God's kingdom?
I think this is a great topic and am willing to share more personal experiences and passions if you are interested.
God Bless.

G.N. said...

1. Luke 14:25-2; I must be willing to (and indeed have) sacrifice every human relationship to pursue Christ to the fullest. This is the call I make to any who wish to know what my/HIS work is all about in advancing the Kingdom through disciples that make disciples. I have seen a few people hurt because of my decision to choose Christ over them in given situations. That doesn't bode well for a social gospel. I personally am not pursuing a dating relationship or companionship at this point in time- though that is a desire, I recognize the need to set it aside until Christ asks me to pick it up. For a romantic like myself, that is a struggle and tests my patience. I must do it though.
2. Ezekiel 44, Luke 14:33-35; I must be willing to sacrifice every possession I have on the altar every day and recognize that anything I own is God's first of all. At this point in time everything I own can be fit the trunk of my car- I kind of wish I had less to hold be back, therefore sacrificing things that really aren't important such as unworn clothes, ancient hobbies, etc. are left behind. My passion for writing is only good as long as I write to advance the Kingdom and encourage those who desire such. In the same way- a passion for Theology is only good as long as it is used to advance the Kingdom however possible. When these things fall from that motivation- the passion is futile.
3. Galatians 2:20, Romans 6; As far as specific things go- LIFE itself has been laid on the altar to His service, I know that is generic- but I don't know how else to describe this. I am dead . The desire for the presence of God in one's life is to chase holiness, much of which is the recognition and distance of yourself from the profane/common. For this reason many of my convictions have changed over the last year. I can't attend the same movies, I can't listen to the same music, I can't go to certain places, I can't have particular discussions or share in many jokes. I know this sounds elementary, and that we all are called to those things, but there is something different about intentionally pursuing His presence that catapults you into somewhere you've never been and makes the desire actually visible through that suffering and His presence so much more real as you long for it. I've put my personal reputation on the line in preaching a gospel of holiness and high standards and not compromising on that. I've been called arrogant and prideful, crazy and disconnected, uncompassionate and a church hater- none of which are true when viewed by the motivation of chasing down the presence of my GOD and recognizing our calling to be "slaves of righteousness" (Romans 6). That reputation means nothing. There will be more to lay down, I know.
4. One thing I forgot to mention in this post is the root of the word "Suffering" in Greek is "Pascho" where we get our word for passion. The suffering I am referring to is one that comes with the burden of a desire- as you well know I'm sure. The question then is, when presented with something that will ease the pain and the passion, will I be willing to take the hard road or that easy one. Passion has little room for compromise; I think that is a real mark of passion- being willing to take the harder path to see the desire fulfilled.

What about you, through what are your passions recognized?

Unknown said...

Great to hear back from you so soon.
1. By the way, I really enjoy how you break discussions into numbers. It helps organize the directions of the topic :) What you are describing as passion is essentially loving the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength; its the first commandment and the ultimate goal. I can sympathize with you in your situation: sometimes people feel alienated or hurt when we love them with Christ's love. Also, I came to a similar place in reference to dating. I had to give it up before the Lord gave it to me.
2. When we start with Loving the Lord Your God (the ultimate passion), our daily passions become spiritually significant. Take your writing. You can enjoy it all you want, but until you use it to Love the Lord Your God, it is spiritually worthless (we are beginning to talk in circles). I believe that's what Psalms 37:3-5 is talking about.
3. The application of Loving the Lord Your God is harder than it sounds. For these reasons, I still have yet to set foot in a movie theater, drink a drop of alcohol, puff a cigarette, etc. The people that fly off the handle at you tend to be the ones that are being convicted of sin.
4. That's very cool. I didn't know that. I totally agree with your last statement about taking the harder path. That is passion in a nutshell.
My question for you has more to do with specific goals or methods you are visualizing to reach your generation. Any plans or strategies, dreams?

My passions in general start the same as your own: Love the Lord, reach people. They become more specific as the topic gets more personal, but it should be noted that they are driven by the overall passion already mentioned. I am a husband: I have a passion to develop my relationship with my wife and lead our family.
I am a father: I have a passion to raise my son to Godly manhood.
I am a local church member: I have a passion to do my best to fill the needs of the church itself and its individual members. Specifically, filling the role of deacon and youth leader/discipler.
I am a musician: I have a passion to share that with others. I have helped to found a band and production company, and am in the midst of producing an album. Our vision is to reach the lost with a message of salvation and the Church with the message of fighting the devil and living for God.
I am an engineer: I have a passion to be the best worker possible and to be a Christlike example to my bosses and co-workers.

That's most of it. There's probably more specifics out there, but that'll be good for now.
Thanks again.